Credit: Erub Arts

Frame 8
About the artist

Lavinia Ketchell

I was born in Cairns and grew up on Erub (Darnley Island). I am one of six children, and I have an identical twin. All my siblings were good at art at school. I came to work at the art centre in a media support role, but I quickly started making ghost net jewellery and now work with the others. I enjoy making all kinds of different things from the ghost net. The colours, once you unravel the net, make my works bright and happy. I love how I can turn something harmful to our reefs into a beautiful art piece.

Frame 7
About the artist

Jimmy John Thaiday

I grew up on Yam Island and moved to Darnley Island (Erub). My partner is from Erub, and I have family here as well. I have always loved to draw; it’s something that comes naturally. I also enjoy fishing and walking on the reef. My artwork gives me the opportunity to express the things that are important to me, my identity, and my culture. Currently, I am working with a ghost net and creating three-dimensional work.