Credit: Lynnette Griffiths

Our works are in the following collections:

  • Australian Museum, Sydney
  • Australian National Maritime Museum, Sydney
  • Australian National University, Canberra
  • Art Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney
  • Berengere Primat Collection, Switzerland
  • Cairns Art Gallery, Cairns
  • Ethnographic Museum of Geneva, Switzerland
  • Melbourne Museum, Melbourne
  • Museum of Anthropology, University of British Columbia, Canada
  • National Gallery of Australia, Canberra
  • National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne
  • National Museum of Australia, Canberra
  • Parliament House, Canberra
  • Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane
  • State Library of Queensland, Brisbane
  • University of Cambridge Museum, England


Ghost Nets

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Caught in the Net

Short Movie shot on location in London, during the exhibition at JGM Gallery, June 2019 – Documents: travel, exhibition installation, explanation of the work and collaboration. Duration: 5:33min

Ghost Net Mullet story

Short movie showing the devastating effects net can have on ocean life and also tells the story of catching large sea mullet on nearby Seu Sand Cay. Duration: 5:21 min

Ghost Nets of the Ocean

Movie showing the collaborative work that travelled to Civilisations Museum Singapore, Tarnanthi Adelaide and now hangs in the National Maritime Museum Sydney. Duration 4:46min

For more information about Ghost Nets please get in touch
Learn more about our
ghost net work.